Area Access Managers

Area Access Manager Login/Access Heading link
Use the Area Access Manager (AAM) application to manage access to your departmental spaces.
The AAM application allows authorized departmental Area Access Managers to manage the lists of cardholders who have access to their departmental card readers. The AAM application also allows Area Access Managers to retrieve logs of i-card usage activity for the card readers under their purview.
Note that the AAM application is not accessible off campus. To access the AAM application from a non-campus location, please connect to the campus network via the UIC VPN first.
If you have questions about the AAM application, please email us at
Area Access Managers Heading link
In general, requests for employee access to secured spaces with electronic access control should be made by departmental Area Access Managers. Area Access Managers (AAM) are individuals designated by a Vice Chancellor, Dean, Director, Department Head or Building Manager who are responsible for authorizing and processing all access control transactions for the department or unit.
To get set up as an Area Access Manager so that you can manage i-card access to your departmental spaces, please have your Dean, Director, or Department Head request access to the Area Access Manager web application by emailing This email should contain a list of the specific spaces that the Area Access Manager is expected to administer.
Note that changes to door locking or access schedules must be requested via email. If you would like assistance with an access control request or a door locking schedule change, please email the Access Control team at