Existing Installations

Managing your departmental card readers

Departments that already have or are planning to install new card readers should follow the 5-step process outlined below for on-boarding those card readers so that access lists can be managed within the department. Doing so will allow departments to:

  • approve entry for their staff and students into buildings that are secured by i-card access, and
  • control access to any departmental spaces that are secured by card readers

Departments who have already gone through this process should email buildingaccess@uic.edu for any changes to their existing setup that might be required.

  1. Identify access privileges, i.e. the areas/spaces to be accessed, and the time-frames for access (e.g. 8am-6pm M-F, 24×7 etc.).
  2. Identify all access groups (e.g. administrators, support personnel, students etc.) who need access, and who may have different access privileges. If all departmental staff and students have the same access privileges, they can all be categorized into the same access group.
  3. Compile a list of the designated “Area Access Managers” for the department, so that they can be setup with the ability to manage departmental access groups on their own via the AAM web application.
  4. Provide the information collected in steps 1 through 3 above to buildingaccess@uic.edu.
  5. Compile a list of UINs for all individual requiring access, along with which an indication of which access group they belong to. The Area Access Managers can then use this list to update access to departmental readers via the AAM web application.